The SAG Infotech company was founded in 1999 in Jaipur, and it is highly appreciated by professional organizations such as Chartered Accountants (CA), Company Secretaries (CS), HR Managers, etc. SAG Infotech is the leading ca taxation software company in Jaipur. In its catalogue, the company comprises products such as Genius, GST, Payroll, CompLaw, XBRL, Income Tax, and TDS. Which, the Genius and Gen GST Software is so popular that thousands of professional companies and individuals across the country use it.
The company’s nature of providing cost-effective, quality products and services develops reliability among customers which helps expand SAG Infotech's client base. With all of its efforts, the brand continues to provide cutting-edge solutions.
Besides providing taxation-related software, SAG Infotech is also committed to providing web and mobile development services. Along with this, the company has recently introduced SAG RTA. This is the first Registrar and Share Transfer Agent in Rajasthan and the first RTA service
provider in Jaipur as well.
Check the Latest Post Here: https://saginfotech.wixsite.com/about/blog
SAG Infotech Products

Gen Balance Sheet Software for Tax Audit Filing
SAG Infotech Gen Balance Sheet software is one of the easiest software which is created to help experts handle their financial information and stay with all the latest rules and regulations. It is specifically useful for accountants, company secretaries, and tax advisors. This software facilitates the creation of significant financial records like balance sheets and profit and loss statements for a company.
By allowing multiple users to work together, it connects smoothly to tax compliance and tracks all the mandated laws, Also it can merge the two trial balance files. The user-friendly interface, data import and export, customised reports, and automatic calculations, save time and reduce mistakes for taxpayers. Plus, it operates different tax audit forms like 3CA, 3CD and 3CB and keeps your data secure.
The software also enables you to manage finances efficiently, and accurately. The additional features of this software are making complete company auditor reports, CARO, IFCR, Notes on Account, Director’s Reports, balance sheets prepared as per Schedule III, cash and fund flow, depreciation charts etc.

Gen GST Software for Return Filing
Gen GST software is GST return filing software for unlimited clients' return filing and GST returns. The Gen GST software comes in a dual format such as online (cloud) as well as Desktop (PC) versions for the convenience of the taxpayers. The Gen GST software works well on all the platforms and is developed on Java secured language which will make the tax data safe and secure. Moreover, the Gen GST Online software also offers an Invoice Management System (IMS) feature that provides a summarized ITC Claimed Report for the client. The feature allows the receiver to accept, reject, or mark as pending the reports submitted by the suppliers. For more information

Gen Payroll Software For HR Management
Gen Payroll is an HR-friendly software that is an amalgamation of human intelligence & advanced technology and acts as an online bridge between HR Managers for employee management. This software features Unique Employee ID, Salary Information, Attendance, Leave, Claim, Investment, etc. For more information visit: https://saginfotech.com/GenPayroll.aspx

Gen TDS Software for Secured Return Filing
Gen TDS is the best & simplest TDS/TCS return filing software, exclusively designed for e-filing returns as per the latest rules & regulations set by the TRACES and CPC, India. The Gen TDS is a wholly government-compliant software solution that ensures accuracy, ease & simplicity. With this user-friendly innovative software, one can easily prepare TDS returns, pre-calculate the TDS amount and compute interest & penalty alongside the late filing fees.
The company regularly updates the software versions according to taxpayers' needs and is easily available for purchase. Before purchasing software, you should download a free trial version. It is created to help, prepare and electronically file your TDS/TCS returns with the Income Tax Department portal. This includes e-filing of forms such as 24Q, 26Q, 27Q, and 27EQ. Further, the software generates Form 16, 16A, and 27D TDS certificates and reports. It also offers an e-payment of the challan generation facility.
For more information visit: https://saginfotech.com/GeneTds.aspx

Genius Return Filing Software For Taxpayers
Here is a helpful option for any income tax return filing problem & issues. The Genius software is developed by SAG Infotech Pvt Ltd which is an unlimited return filing solution for CA and CS professionals. This software is almost perfect for every Indian taxpayer and tax professional. Pay your taxes of the Income-tax department by using Genius software for income tax return filing without any error. Read more: https://saginfotech.com/Genius.aspx

Gen IT Software for Income Tax Returns Filing
Gen Income Tax Software become people's first choice for the computation needs of Self Assessment Tax, Income Tax, Advance Tax, and Interest calculation u/s 234A,234B, and 234C. The Income-tax software is built for those who can't afford to make mistakes. Gen Income Tax Software is developed to prepare returns and also has the ability of e-filing to upload returns directly from the software. It also works as a helping hand for Genius software in the taxation industry.
The software offers advanced features like automatic import of Form 26AS statements, maintenance of depreciation charts, advance tax estimation, challan e-payment, preparing balance sheets, P&L accounts and ITR computation. This streamlines data entry and decreases the time spent on manual calculations. The software furnishes keys to all appropriate income tax return (ITR) forms, permitting you to select the best tax return filing process with requirements.
Gen IT software offers a direct link to the I-T Department website, allowing taxpayers to download ITR forms and disclosures. This is valuable software for anyone in India who wants to simplify their ITR preparation and tax filing procedure. Its user-friendly interface, error-reduction, and ITR filing capabilities can save time and money during submissions.
Visit for more information: https://saginfotech.com/genit.aspx

Gen XBRL Return Filing software
Gen XBRL Software is like a multipurpose toolbox for professionals like Company Secretaries and Chartered Accountants. It actually saves a large amount of time on preparation and e–filing of the balance sheet, profit & loss A/c in latest XBRL format. XBRL software also helps you to prepare XML for accounting standards and IND AS along with XML for both standalone and consolidate the financial statement. The software is always up-to-date with the rules and it is based on MCA Business Rules and taxonomy. Users can perform import and export of XML of the current year or previous year, prepare company-wise back up and restoration, direct validate the XML prepared from any other vendor's software and generate the PDF file of XML with the validation. Visit for more information: https://saginfotech.com/GenCompanye-filerXBRL.aspx

Gen Complaw Software for ROC/MCA Filing
A company's return on investment (ROC) measures how effectively it invests money in its operations. In India, Gen Complaw software is used primarily for ROC and MCA electronic filing. An industry leader in the field of taxation, SAG Infotech, developed this software. ROC e-Forms, XBRL, Resolutions, Minutes, Registers, and various MIS reports are all included in Gen CompLaw software for MCA and ROC filings. There are two versions of the software here: XBRL and non-XBRL.

Gen Online Payroll Software
Gen online payroll HRM software takes time, money, effort, accuracy, and training that not every small business owner has, as he has to handle all facets of running the company. It will increase employee vigilance as they will have to log on and view their accounting information, which in turn will increase utilization. In addition to saving time, small entrepreneurs can concentrate on core competencies rather than having to spend their time keeping accounting records.
View More: https://saginfotech.com/OnlinePayroll.aspx

Contact - Us
Office Address- B-9, Second Floor, Mahalaxmi Nagar, Behind WTP South Block, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, 302017
Phone Number - 0141-4072000
Email Address - info@saginfotech.com
Website - https://saginfotech.com
Official Blog - https://blog.saginfotech.com